Baruch Spinoza, Baruch Spinoza: Ethics (Penguin Classics) (2005, Penguin Classics) 4 stars

P21: All the things which follow from the absolute nature of any of God’s attributes have always had to exist and be infinite, or, are, through the same attribute, eternal and infinite.

P22: Whatever follows from some attribute of God insofar as it is modified by a modification which, through the same attribute, exists necessarily and is infinite, must also exist and be infinite.

P23: Every mode which exists necessarily and is infinite has necessarily had to follow either from the absolute nature of some attribute of God, or from some attribute, modified by a modification which exists necessarily and is infinite.

Ethics (Penguin Classics) by ,

Things this makes me think of:

-- When Mufasa says "everything the light touches is our kingdom." -- The GPL license and the way modifications are required to be licensed compatibly. -- Zombies and The Spread.

All godly things.