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Historian of antebellum technology and contemporary diplomacy.


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Jeremy Waldron: The harm in hate speech (2012, Harvard University Press) 5 stars

Every liberal democracy has laws or codes against hate speech, except the United States. For …

The Harm in Hate Speech

5 stars

I had Waldron's book sitting in my "to read" pile for some time, and as luck would have it I actually picked it up around the same time that Meta announced its changes to allow more hate speech on its platforms. Although Waldron wrote this over a decade ago, the book's arguments could not be more timely. As a citizen of the United States, I have of course been inculcated with the value of free speech, and it is a value that I share. But before Waldron's book I had never fully considered the implications of this stance -- namely, those who argue the loudest for free speech rarely have to deal with the consequences of hate speech, nor are they its targets. Rejecting restrictions on hate speech tout court looks like a sign of unmistakable privilege, with "others" having to bear the burden of this principled stance. Waldron is …

Elizabeth Catte: What you are getting wrong about Appalachia (Paperback, 2018) 4 stars

An insider's perspective on Appalachia, and a frank, ferocious assessment of America's recent fascination with …

What You Are Getting Wrong about Appalachia

4 stars

A blistering jeremiad about Appalachia and what you, frankly, are getting wrong about the region. Although it refers to Vance's Hillbilly Elegy, the book is not a point-by-point refutation of Vance's work. Rather, the book asks, pointedly, why we allow so many of the stereotypes about the region to endure. As our national press will no doubt continue to take voyages into "Trump country," Catte's guide to the region will continue to serve as a useful corrective to the media's assumptions.

Susanna F. Schaller: Business Improvement Districts and the Contradictions of Placemaking (2019, University of Georgia Press) 3 stars

Business Improvement Districts and the Contradictions of Placemaking

3 stars

Here in DC, we have a series of "Business Improvement Districts (BID)," which I confess I never really understood. At their most visible, they employ teams to clean up trash within the district and try to keep things generally tidy. Schaller's book explores the history of these districts (a relatively recent phenomenon in DC, although not elsewhere). Her research uncovers how BIDs give the impression of public service, but often remove decision-making from the public sphere and put it in the hands of landlords (who may or may not be the actual businessmen operating in the neighborhood). There is also a fascinating chapter on how different people characterize their neighborhoods, comparing long-time residents to newer residents, and so on. The book is a useful primer on this topic, and surely the lessons from DC are applicable elsewhere.

Soraya L. Chemaly: Resilience Myth (2024, Atria Books) 4 stars

The Resilience Myth

4 stars

I suppose that I had never given much thought, myself, to the concept of resilience. I mean, everyone faces adversity, needs to fight back, blah blah blah, and so on. But Chemaly's book really does a great job of peeling back the layers of what is going on underneath all this resilience talk, and the degree to which people, in the name of resilience, end up burying their pain. Moreover, focusing on "resilience" takes the focus away from the people doing harm -- those who are causing everyone else to have to be resilient. It turns out to be a deeply individualistic concept, turning us away from community. As she writes on page 206, "It's a 'we-them' resilience that doesn't teach us how to survive adversity but how to survive the worst of one another." I confess that once I started thinking about resilience in the way that Chemaly …

Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Message (2024, Random House Publishing Group) 5 stars

Ta-Nehisi Coates originally set off to write a book about writing, in the tradition of …

The Message

5 stars

Coates's chapter on his journey to Palestine is the longest chapter in this book and has gotten the most public attention upon the book's release. But there's a lot more than "just" that to sink your teeth into in this compact but thoughtful work. Coates begins with a moving, autobiographical account of his discovering the joy of reading. One chapter covers his trip to Dakar, and another covers a journey to South Carolina to meet dedicated teachers fighting against his own books being banned in public schools there. In that chapter, I was particularly struck by his account of his own evolution as a writer, realizing that he could not simply stand on the sidelines as others were risking their positions in the community to defend his writing. This introspection continues into the Palestine chapter, and I was struck by his general tone of "I really thought X, but now …

Timothy Snyder: On Tyranny (2017) 4 stars

In previous books, Holocaust historian Timothy Snyder dissected the events and values that enabled the …

On Tyranny

4 stars

Short, punchy, to the point, and necessary. Since Snyder is a European historian, he necessarily draws his examples from Europe, but you don't have to reach that far back in U.S. history to think of analogous circumstances. His first takeaway is crucial: do not obey in advance.

reviewed Greek Lessons by Kang Han

Kang Han: Greek Lessons (Hardcover, 2024, SD Books) 4 stars

In a classroom in Seoul, a young woman watches her Greek language teacher at the …

Greek Lessons

4 stars

A woman who has retreated from speaking takes a class in Ancient Greek taught by a man who is slowly losing his sight. That's a bald statement of the plot, but Han movingly explores language and communication through her characters that have physical and emotional blockages to communication. I found her writing on the physicality of communication to be quite evocative. I don't claim to understand everything that happened in the novel, but it did make me think about what we go through when we decide to reach out to other human beings.

reviewed The Long Night by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 14)

Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch: The Long Night (Paperback, 1996, Star Trek) 3 stars

Vor 800 Jahren floh der Herrscher von Jibet mit seinen Getreuen und Schätzen an Bord …

The Long Night

3 stars

A fun little romp! Smith and Rusch have a good feel for the characters and the dialogue feels true to the show. My only gripe is that I think Kira probably has more self-confidence than she is portrayed with here -- but overall a good read.

Judi Dench: Shakespeare, the Man Who Pays the Rent (Paperback) 5 stars

For the very first time, Judi Dench opens up about every Shakespearean role she has …


5 stars

A marvelous, erudite, witty journey through Shakespeare's plays by an absolutely brilliant actress. A must if you are a fan of Shakespeare, but there are so many wonderful insights into the actor's craft that I think this book would be a delight for any fan of the theater.

Jonathan M. Metzl: What We've Become (2024, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) 5 stars

What We’ve Become

5 stars

Metzl's book is both a detailed look at one particular mass shooting that took place at a Nashville Waffle House in 2018, and a wider consideration of the role that guns play in American society, and the degree to which a public health framing of the gun issue has helped or hindered the cause of limiting gun violence in the United States. Metzl is a careful observer as well as participant in these debates, and it is clear from his writing that he wants to take seriously the claims of Southern white people who feel that they must rely on guns for their safety, despite all evidence to the contrary. At the same time, Metzl does not shy away from the brutal reality of the role that racial animus plays in our gun policy. I'm paraphrasing Metzl’s text from memory here, but for many white Americans a Black person with …

Amanda Jones: That Librarian (Hardcover, 2024, Bloomsbury) 4 stars

That Librarian

4 stars

When I checked this book out from the library, I expected to find -- and did! -- a detailed accounting of one librarian's efforts to combat censorship in small-town America. But Jones' book is more than that, as she writes movingly about her own life and how she reexamined her prejudices -- a journey that no doubt many of us could benefit from. Her honest look at her own background makes this book more than just a recounting of battles of board meetings. Libraries are a public good that enrich everyone's life, and in the coming years are probably going to require a robust defense. Jones' work should inspire us, steel us for the reality of what lies ahead, and provide guidance for how to act when the book banners come to your neighborhood. Jones does not shy away from reality, but also provides hope.

Jeanna Kadlec: Heretic (2022, HarperCollins Publishers) 4 stars

A memoir of leaving the evangelical church and the search for radical new ways to …


4 stars

Kadlec's memoir has garnered a lot of accolades, and if (like me) you were not raised in the evangelical tradition the details of her experiences growing up will be harrowing. Kadlec appears to have not only recovered but thrived following her experiences, but the book makes clear that this is not an easy journey.

reviewed Schoenberg by Harvey Sachs

Harvey Sachs: Schoenberg (2023, Liveright Publishing Corporation) 4 stars


4 stars

Sachs's book is not strictly a biography of Schoenberg -- he acknowledges up front that there are other, more detailed treatments of Schoenberg's life out there -- but Sachs definitely hits the highlights, and, more importantly, explores the question of why this composer's music and philosophy had the impact that they did on the wider musical world. I don't think I've ever read a book that starts with "A Warning," in which Sachs states plainly that Schoenberg's music is rarely performed by major orchestras around the world. But reading the book it is clear that Schoenberg had an impact on everyone he met; no one came away from him indifferent. Sachs concludes that if we can make room for novels or visual arts that challenge the reader/viewer, then surely we can have challenging music as well. The catch, of course, is that music requires an intermediary (the musicians) in between …

Hanna Pylväinen: End of Drum-Time (2023, Holt & Company, Henry) 4 stars

End of Drum-Time

4 stars

Pylväinen's novel is a marvelous picture of mid-nineteenth century Scandinavia. There's a lot of rich material here, but what stuck out to me was the way in which the novel explores the multi-layered effects of colonialism. At one point the native people (the Sámi) argue about the potential effects of decisions made by distant kings on their livelihood as reindeer herders. They are hardly ignorant or oblivious of the wider world. Rather, they can see all too well the impact of the encroaching settlers. While a love story takes center stage in the novel, the wider world of natives, settlers, and the changes in international politics that create intended and unintended consequences are all part of Pylväinen's wider stage.

Percival Everett: James (Hardcover, 2024, Doubleday) 5 stars

When Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a man in New …


5 stars

Some novels grab you immediately and refuse to let you go until you have read through to the last page. James is such a novel. It's brilliant, astonishing, and packs an emotional wallop. I haven't read Huckleberry Finn in over 30 years, so I have no idea how closely Everett tracked to that book -- but it is irrelevant. As a sharp, funny, heartbreaking examination of slavery and life in nineteenth century America, James stands on its own, whether you have read Huckleberry Finn or not.