Georges Perec: An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris (2009, Wakefield Press) 4 stars

One overcast weekend in October 1974, Georges Perec set out in quest of the "infraordinary": …

January 6th, 2021: A walk

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A reason I've felt like reading this book lately is that I miss the boring everyday world it describes. I read this today while walking to my (empty) office for the first time in 3 months.

The trip still feels familiar, but even after the better part of a year, the nearly-empty downtown feels surreal. I can't pretend things are normal like I might be able to in the cities still-popular parks and walking paths.

The pandemic is boring (and I'm lucky it's merely boring for me), but I long for the nothingness of walking in a crowded space; of sitting in a busy café and watching people going about their day; of bumping into a friend, chatting, and then going about with my day. And for now at least, this gives me that