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Joined 11 months, 3 weeks ago

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Jakers's books

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3% complete! Jakers has read 2 of 60 books.

reviewed The End of All Things by John Scalzi (Old Man’s War #6)

John Scalzi: The End of All Things (2015, Tor Books) 4 stars

Humans expanded into space…only to find a universe populated with multiple alien species bent on …

Almost a perfect send-off...

5 stars

Content warning Plot spoilers about some of the things I wished had been answered

John Scalzi: The Human Division (Old Man's War, #5) (2012) 4 stars

The Human Division is a science fiction novel by American writer John Scalzi, the fifth …

I love this setup...

5 stars

This book really breathes a lot of life into the setting and continues building on the events of books 3/4 in a way that makes sense, even without the previous POV characters. I liked the change to multiple POVs we get in this one, and the political drama is extremely fun.

reviewed Zoe's Tale by John Scalzi (Old Man's War, #4)

John Scalzi: Zoe's Tale (2008) 4 stars

How do you tell your part in the biggest tale in history?

I ask because …

I liked it, but not the strongest in the series

3 stars

There's a lot to like here, but story-wise it does retread a lot of ground we've honestly seen before. I think in the notes he mentioned he wanted to sew up a few plotholes once he started writing it, but honestly, the last 25% of the book probably could have been a short by itself. Zoe is an interesting, fun character to follow, though. Mostly what makes this book weaker is that it's retreading the same water we just swam out of.