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byayoi - Sour Kitty

Joined 7 months ago

Lectora asidua y de carrera larga, jullida de Alibrate. Además, moderadora de cierto subreddit relacionado con libros.

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Daphne Du Maurier: Rebecca (1971, Avon) 4 stars

Is Rebecca really dead? Her insidious influence seems to extend beyond the grave!

Review of 'Rebecca' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I was finally able to read this book. It's been on my "books to read" list since the 1990s... You see, I loved the 1940's film directed by Hitchcock, which I had seen in my teens I think, so I didn't know it was an actual book until my twenties. By then, getting the book and reading it was not part of my top priorities. But when online libraries made it possible to read almost any book (as long as it's in English), I got 'Rebecca'. And I'm done today.
The book is a highly detailed journey into the mind of a 21-year-old English girl from the early 20th century. It's all there, the shyness, the clumsiness, the anxiety, the bruised and devalued self-esteem, the 'goodness' that society pommelled into its youth, her incomprehension of the fact that she can ask for more out of life because she's the kind …

PJ Fitzsimmons: Reckoning at the Riviera Royale (Paperback, Phillip Fitzsimmons) 4 stars

Review of 'Reckoning at the Riviera Royale' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

In a series of idiosyncratic books, I think this is the most peculiar of them, at least until now. Mr. Fitzsimmons goes to extremes to make a locked room murder out of a whole island. The book is not bad, it's just too "Boisjoly". Everything is too tailored to fit in the story. But Mr. Fitzsimmons certainly shows no lack of imagination. Although I don't care for another wilted romance. More mystery and less 'amore', please. But I suppose that Chaddy Quillfeather will be Anty's Vera Rossakoff, or his Irene Adler.

Review of 'Book Cover Design Formula : Create Book Covers That Captivate Readers' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

If you don't know anything about graphic design, this is the book for you!

This is not only a very good book to help you 'create' the cover of your next novel, it is a crash course on graphic design that can be applied to anything from flyers to webpages. Now you just need to learn how to work with Gimp and Inkscape. But you've got the theory covered!

Edgar Allan Poe: The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe: Works include: The Murders in the Rue Morgue; The Fall of the House of Usher; The Tell-Tale Heart; The ... The Pit and the Pendulum (Chartwell Classics) (2019, Chartwell Books) 4 stars

73 stories: Unparalleled adventure of one Hans Pfaall -- Balloon-hoax -- Mesmeric Revelation Ms. found …

Review of 'The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe: Works include: The Murders in the Rue Morgue; The Fall of the House of Usher; The Tell-Tale Heart; The ... The Pit and the Pendulum (Chartwell Classics)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Four stars to the story, two stars to the Project Gutenberg edition.

If you can read this story from any other publisher, please do! The formatting is horrible!

Jim Butcher: Fool Moon (AudiobookFormat, 2003, Buzzy Multimedia) 4 stars

Dresden is a wizard that resides in Chicago. He is the only wizard in the …

Review of 'Fool Moon' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

I listened to the audiobook (needed to crochet a coat, and something to listen while crocheting).

It's even worse than I remember. Mr. Dresden is stupidly stubborn, and quite paternalistic towards women in the worst sense of the word. But this was the only thing I had to listen to, so...

(This is the one with every type of werewolf in it, and then some.)