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byayoi - Sour Kitty

Joined 7 months ago

Lectora asidua y de carrera larga, jullida de Alibrate. Además, moderadora de cierto subreddit relacionado con libros.

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Stuart Turton: The 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle (2018) 4 stars

"Evelyn Hardcastle will be murdered at 11:00 p.m. There are eight days, and eight witnesses …

Review of 'The 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

4½ stars.
Really good whodunit and an interesting take in the "repeat the same day over and over" trope. If you have played The Sexy Brutale you'll know what to expect.
Why then did I discounted ½ a star? Three main reasons.

First, because the author presented the book as a 1920's-1930's weekend-murder-on-an-English-mannor type of detective story, but the language used it's not quite there (it bothers me and jars me out of the suspension of disbelief. I'm funny that way). Nevertheless, at about chapter 6, I got used to it and enjoyed the rest of the book.

Second, as my sister said when she was almost finishing the book: 'Good twist in the plot, but now he (the author) is just wallowing in his own cleverness'. And she was right. There really are times when too much of a good thing is just too much (You'll know …

reviewed The Blackwing War by K.B. Spangler (The Deep Witches Trilogy, #1)

Three thousand years ago, the Deep appeared without warning. This alien life form was quickly …

Review of 'The Blackwing War' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Such a disappointment! "Stoneskin" is so good, and this had so much potential... all wasted into obviousness, forced storyline, badly patched plots in the holes, I mean, holes in the plot, and a bunch of Young Adult tropes.
This is oh so sad!

Margaret Frazer: The Novice's tale (1993, Berkley Pub. Group) 3 stars

The arrival of lusty, blaspheming dowager Lady Ermentrude at St. Frideswide convent in 1431 causes …

Review of "The Novice's tale" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Maybe if I hadn't read Peter Ellis' Cadfael series (although I haven't finished all the books yet) I would have liked this book more... I don't know.
Maybe if the lusty, blaspheming dowager Lady Ermentrude was not so an anachronistic character, or if it didn't take more than half the book for Sister Frevisse to realize that said lusty dowager and some other "innocent" victim were in fact very obviously poisoned, or if the poisoning symptoms weren't so singularly described that at first I thought that the poison used was Monkshood instead of the poisons that the author names later (which symptoms are not exactly the ones described either), I wouldn't be writing this.
And there are more things that bother me, for example the fact that the author makes it purposefully obvious that the wine was use as the administration method for all the poisons, and then for a …