Joe Abercrombie: Last Argument Of Kings (Paperback, 2008, Gollancz) 4 stars

The King of the Union lies on his deathbed, the peasants revolt, and the nobles …

Review of 'Last Argument Of Kings' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Well, enjoyed it thoroughly until every thing unraveled. and suddenly everything I thought I saw, but talked myself out of, was laid bare before me as truth. and here I am holding this book and wondering why I'm not more upset. because, by all accounts, I should be upset. I watched characters I spent three books learning to love and laugh with get kicked in the dangly fruits and left to cry about it. figuratively. I might have liked the ending better if that had actually happened. But, as the conclusion to a large arcing theme, the ending is perfect. And I really should have known.

Also, how is Sand dan fucking Glokta the only one with a satisfactory ending? besides Bayaz of course. damn Magi.

but, this is no reflection on Abercrombie's writing. The man has a talent for bluntness that verges on poetry. and his ability to narrate in third person, but through any of his character's various lenses is downright enviable.

I still recommend the series, and look forward to reading future works from Joe Abercrombie.