Last Argument Of Kings

, #1

paperback, 544 pages

Published March 19, 2008 by Gollancz.

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4 stars (106 reviews)

The King of the Union lies on his deathbed, the peasants revolt, and the nobles scramble to steal his crown. No one believes that the shadow of war is about to fall across the heart of the Union. Only the First of the Magi can save the world, but there are risks.

5 editions

Review of 'Last Argument Of Kings' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The only difference between war and murder is the number of dead.

The First Law concludes with a grim and dark finish. There is no cheerful and happy ending here. The characters don't retire atop a gilded hall and reminisce fondly on their times together and that makes this story fantastic.

You could argue that no one had a happy ending, expect for some of the most despicable characters. This series is such a departure from standard fantasy stories that the fact Abercrombie doesn't write that expected ending is almost as shocking as how the story plays out.

We all got our reasons. Good men and bad men. It's all a matter of where you stand.

The series walks a fine line between good and bad, and that continues in Last Argument of Kings. If you have made it this far in the series then you know how Abercrombie …

reviewed Last Argument Of Kings by Joe Abercrombie (The First Law, #1)

Review of 'Last Argument Of Kings' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

An absolutely relentless conclusion to the trilogy. Unrelentingly grim, but really enjoyable.

I'm not sure it really pulled me through as much as Before they are Hanged. The whole book is tuned up to 11 so almost half of it is just conclusion. I could have done with a little more pacing.


Review of 'Last Argument Of Kings' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Well, enjoyed it thoroughly until every thing unraveled. and suddenly everything I thought I saw, but talked myself out of, was laid bare before me as truth. and here I am holding this book and wondering why I'm not more upset. because, by all accounts, I should be upset. I watched characters I spent three books learning to love and laugh with get kicked in the dangly fruits and left to cry about it. figuratively. I might have liked the ending better if that had actually happened. But, as the conclusion to a large arcing theme, the ending is perfect. And I really should have known.

Also, how is Sand dan fucking Glokta the only one with a satisfactory ending? besides Bayaz of course. damn Magi.

but, this is no reflection on Abercrombie's writing. The man has a talent for bluntness that verges on poetry. and his ability to narrate …

Review of 'Last Argument Of Kings' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


I read all three books back to back. Credit is due for the characterisations throughout the novels, with flawed characters and gray morality throughout. Gone is the normal good versus evil nonsense seen throughout most books. The end to the series is original for the genre, entertaining and well planned.

Unfortunately the journey to that end was the disappointing part, In retrospect much of the story feels like padding, and didn't really move the story towards its conclusion. So many of the sub-plots in the end seemed totally pointless, with whole huge sections of the plot coming full circle and to no conclusion. A deus-ex-machina moment in the final 1/3 of the final volume instead brought the plot together. Although many of the subplots were probably designed to draw the reader through the rich world, sadly the unsatisfactory conclusions to most of these sub-plots undermined the whole effort.

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