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Carlos Cámara

Joined 2 years, 9 months ago

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Carlos Cámara's books

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2024 Reading Goal

50% complete! Carlos Cámara has read 3 of 6 books. es curioso, llevo 70 páginas leídas del tirón, porque Escrivà escribe muy bien, con un equilibrio entre concreción (datos concretos) y fluidez de lectura. Pero a la vez estoy teniendo que parar a ratos porque me entra la eco-ansiedad, que curiosamente es lo que quiere evitar el libro. Imagino que es porque solo he leído la primera parte, titulada "Emergència", así que imagino que ese es precisamente el objetivo. Trasmite muy bien la idea de que hay una emergencia climática cuyos efectos son extremadamente serios y que hay que actuar inmediatamente. Y que todos tenemos que hacerlo. Te lo recomiendo desde ya, y así podemos comentarlo luego.

reviewed The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (Hainish Cycle, #4)

Ursula K. Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness (Paperback, 2018, Orion Publishing Co) 4 stars

[Comment by Kim Stanley Robinson, on The Guardian's website][1]: The Left Hand of Darkness by …

Good ideas, bad story

2 stars

Content warning It contains spoilers

Noel Castree, Greigh Charnock, Brett Christophers: David Harvey (Paperback, Routledge) No rating

David Harvey is among the most influential Marxist thinkers of the last half century. This …

Lanchester (2016) asked [Danny] Dorling to resolve something that had been puzzling him, asking 'why, when I was at school, geography was about the shapes of rivers, but now all the best-known geographers seem to be Marxists'? Dorling's answer was illuminating as Lanchester's question. He (no Marxist) conceeded that 'when you look at a map and see that the people on the side of some line are rich and healthy and long-lived and the people on the other side are poor and sick and die young, you start to wonder why, and that turns you towards deep-casual explanations, which then lead in the direction of Marxism'

David Harvey by , , (Page 115)