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cristianopala rated Bellas mariposas: 4 stars
cristianopala rated Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe: 5 stars

Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe by Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim, #5)
cristianopala rated Scott Pilgrim: Gets it together: 5 stars

Scott Pilgrim: Gets it together by Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim, #4)
Scott Pilgrim's is finding his summer vacation stressful with a girlfriend with seven evil ex-boyfriends who want to kill him. …
cristianopala rated Scott Pilgrim & the infinite sadness: 5 stars

Scott Pilgrim & the infinite sadness by Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim, #3)
Ramona's third evil ex-boyfriend, Todd Ingram, is currently dating the former love of Scott Pilgrim's life! Envy Adams broke Scott's …
cristianopala rated A sangue caldo: 5 stars

A sangue caldo by Luigi Bernardi (DeriveApprodi, #16)
Partendo dal caso di Novi Ligure, il libro dimostra come i mass media stiano da anni svolgendo un'azione terrorizzante, se …
cristianopala rated Scott Pilgrim vs the world: 5 stars

Scott Pilgrim vs the world by Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim, #2)
cristianopala rated The Fortress of Solitude: 4 stars

The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem
The Fortress of Solitude is a 2003 semi-autobiographical novel by Jonathan Lethem set in Brooklyn and spanning the 1970s, '80s, …
cristianopala rated Follie di Brooklyn: 5 stars

Follie di Brooklyn by Paul Auster (Super ET)
cristianopala rated Romanzo criminale: 5 stars

Romanzo criminale by Giancarlo De Cataldo
Romanzo criminale is an Italian novel written by the judge Giancarlo De Cataldo and inspired by the true story of …
cristianopala rated Indagine sul calcio: 5 stars

Oliviero Beha: Indagine sul calcio (Italian language, 2006, BUR)
Indagine sul calcio by Oliviero Beha (BUR. Futuropassato)
cristianopala rated Follia per sette clan: 4 stars
cristianopala rated Mattatoio n. 5: 5 stars

Mattatoio n. 5 by Kurt Vonnegut
Slaughterhouse-Five, also known as The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death is a science fiction infused anti-war novel by Kurt …
cristianopala rated Ancora dalla parte delle bambine: 5 stars