Review of 'Unfinished tales of Númenor and Middle-earth' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I've read quite a few parts of this previously, either due to individual curiosity about specific topics (such as the Quest of Erebor, Istari, Palantiri) or as part of other works (Narn i Hin Hurin – most of which is incorporated in [b:The Children of Hurin|3141295|The Children of Hurin/The Silmarillion/The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings|J.R.R. Tolkien||3172742]), but I had not until now sat down and read all the various tales in order. Already a big fan of Tolkien, as a whole I quite enjoyed the collection, especially since Christopher Tolkien's notes and analysis are kept at a minimum compared when compared with the various volumes of HoME.
Of the tales I had not read previously, I most enjoyed that of Aldarion and Erendis, as well as brief story of the Druedain, perhaps because I knew the least about them already.
Highly recommended for anyone who has already read [b:The Hobbit|5907|The Hobbit|J.R.R. Tolkien||1540236], [b:Lord of the Rings|33|The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)|J.R.R. Tolkien||3462456] and [b:The Silmarillion|7332|The Silmarillion|J.R.R. Tolkien||4733799].