Carole Taylor: Astrology (2018, DK Publishing) 4 stars

I'm going through my Saturn return and I want to die!

4 stars

Sometimes I dabble in astrology--everything that I had learned from it, I really learned online. I decided that I wanted to dabble more in esotericism, mysticism, etc., so I picked up this book.

Basically, it's a handy guide. It's well written for those new to astrology, and it's a good primer to those who've been playing with it some.

The book more-or-less breaks down into an introduction, an overview of the Zodiac signs, an overview of the planets, an overview of the houses, an overview putting things together through the natal chart, a few case studies, a short segment on transits, and concluding with a long section on general applications to life.

I'd like to learn a lot more, but I can save that for later.