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Roy Osherove: The art of unit testing (2009, Manning) 4 stars

An OK introduction to unit testing, with major caveats

3 stars

Reading this book was a mixed experience. While it addresses an important and often neglected topic, several aspects left me unimpressed and somewhat concerned.

The author presents some dubious techniques, such as using a glorified service locator singleton as an alternative to constructor injection (p.64, 2nd ed.), which would outright break parallel testing, without mentioning it. In fact, the book ignores the need for parallel testing altogether, presenting patterns which are not thread-safe as best practice techniques.

Some of the presented methods of creating testing seams in the code (such as using a service locator singleton, or exposing overridable methods solely for the purpose of testing - dubbed "Extract and Override") are unlikely to produce maintainable code, but the book makes no distinction between best practices and academic debate. Perhaps some of them were meant only for legacy projects, but that was not stated in the book. What's worse, some …

Vaughn Vernon: Implementing Domain-Driven Design (EBook, 2012) 4 stars

Implementing Domain-Driven Design presents a top-down approach to understanding domain-driven design (DDD) in a way …

A lot of words for little meaning and still does not replace Evans' book

2 stars

As a big proponent of DDD, I'm really sorry to have to write this, but reading this book was the polar opposite experience to reading Eric Evans' "Domain-Driven Design".

Unfortunately, this book is bloated, extremely verbose and generally hard to read - in my opinion much harder than Evans' blue book.

It is not a good introduction to DDD, assuming at every step that you've read Evans' book, while at the same time quoting it often. The author seems to have filled the pages with repetitions, quotes and meandering technical explanations to the point where the subject of the chapter is often lost.

It uses some questionable patterns, such as Service Locator, wiring Spring beans using XML or using @Autowired instead of constructor injection, which makes it hard to recommend as a basis for anyone's project. It seems, also, to have skipped some important topics, such as how to deal …