Deuce reviewed Coming Alive by Phil Stutz
The resident psychology experts on Goop offer a program to reach one's potential by activating …
Review of 'Coming Alive' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
the friend of mine gave me a voucher so I wasted it for 2 books written by these 2 shrinks;
the first one was junk imho, this one might have something to it but then the whole development you are starting to trust and believe... gets destroyed by some nonsense about Towers - being dead and imagining your resurrection full of flowers and collywobbles.
a piece (p.124):
"Twelve suns in a circle lined up directly over your head. Summon the Vortex (capital letter) by silently screaming the world "help" at them with focused intensity. This will set the entire circle of suns spinning, creating a gentle tornado-shaped vortex."
There is a constant effort to fuck up everything you have read - the reasoning behind situations taken from their practice (I hope these are true-ish stories) by introducing imaginary Vortexes, Mothers and loving Fathers, Black Suns etc;
I am sure it wasn't written by ghost writer cause they should be taking some serious drugs.
They did it themselves, I presume it is easier to persuade people to come again when you happen to promise a connection to the Life Force (capital letters).
I mean... yes, the examples are rough and clear, they remind me on Peterson (his brilliant lectures) but then they hit with a hammer by sending butterflies your way.
I have given up, somewhere down the road, couldn't finish this brochure.