I am not sure who this brochure is addressed to, but it ain't me.
Again,l the Diary of a CEO (or some other vlog) made me read it.
Don't. Ever. Do. It. Again.
P.S. it is twice as useless for non-US residents.
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Deuce rated The Creative Act: A Way of Being: 4 stars

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin
From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of their creativity, comes a beautifully …
Deuce reviewed Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments by Ron Kohavi
Review of 'Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
While the beginning was frenetic and somewhat puzzling as it was obviously written by a group of people, it slowly starts to raise questions you normally don't ask.
Like long-term effects, learning effects, reverse testing, A/A testing to make sure your setup isn't leaking noise and errors.
I like it a lot.
The only thing I would ask to improve is the math part, some parts could be explained more. I had some algebra 10 years ago, but I'd appreciate a more down-to-earth approach, to say the least.
Nevertheless, this book is a solid milestone, you can only dive deeper from here on.
Just ask the right questions and this book will guide you.
Deuce rated The Story of My Life: 5 stars
Deuce rated Spin Dictators: 2 stars
Deuce rated Bullshit Jobs: 2 stars

Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
Be honest: if your job didn't exist, would anybody miss it? Have you ever wondered why not? Up to 40% …
Deuce reviewed Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
Review of 'Four Thousand Weeks' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
As 'books' these days, he tries to blame nearly everything related to depression and one's search for meaning for today's way of leaving.
He tells us to know we are going to die soon, get rid of the aspirations as we won't achieve the majority of them and do less for ourselves exclusively as there won't be anyone to judge that we failed.
In his opinion, this enlightenment, such a great resignation and such a terrible settlement for less is going to make us happy.
He is trying to cover everything without going to deep.
He basically touches every bit of our modern day lives without looking under the hood hence the book seem to be very shallow and lacks the 'juice'.
Last thing, Oliver.
There is this one thing you failed to mentioned in the book, something I almost consider a crime.
Consciously you failed to mention the regret …
As 'books' these days, he tries to blame nearly everything related to depression and one's search for meaning for today's way of leaving.
He tells us to know we are going to die soon, get rid of the aspirations as we won't achieve the majority of them and do less for ourselves exclusively as there won't be anyone to judge that we failed.
In his opinion, this enlightenment, such a great resignation and such a terrible settlement for less is going to make us happy.
He is trying to cover everything without going to deep.
He basically touches every bit of our modern day lives without looking under the hood hence the book seem to be very shallow and lacks the 'juice'.
Last thing, Oliver.
There is this one thing you failed to mentioned in the book, something I almost consider a crime.
Consciously you failed to mention the regret at the end of it all, when people living small, who actually didn't live at all, realize they have wasted their whole lives focusing on 2-3 things and how much stuff they didn't care about.
This settling for less, return to the Middle Ages (even if only in one's imagination) costs us everything in the end.
In order to land in the comfort zone and 'forgive yourself' for being lazy, stupid and not managing it all, you are damned to end your life with regrets I wish I could avoid having.
I realize he is too young to understand it well to write about it but well, just don't buy the brochure, ok?
It won't do any good.
Strive, hunt, try new things, experience, taste, touch.
Don't settle for less.
Oliver, you will make others suffer a lot.
Deuce reviewed Coming Alive by Phil Stutz
The resident psychology experts on Goop offer a program to reach one's potential by activating …
Review of 'Coming Alive' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
the friend of mine gave me a voucher so I wasted it for 2 books written by these 2 shrinks;
the first one was junk imho, this one might have something to it but then the whole development you are starting to trust and believe... gets destroyed by some nonsense about Towers - being dead and imagining your resurrection full of flowers and collywobbles.
a piece (p.124):
"Twelve suns in a circle lined up directly over your head. Summon the Vortex (capital letter) by silently screaming the world "help" at them with focused intensity. This will set the entire circle of suns spinning, creating a gentle tornado-shaped vortex."
There is a constant effort to fuck up everything you have read - the reasoning behind situations taken from their practice (I hope these are true-ish stories) by introducing imaginary Vortexes, Mothers and loving Fathers, Black Suns etc;
I am sure it …
the friend of mine gave me a voucher so I wasted it for 2 books written by these 2 shrinks;
the first one was junk imho, this one might have something to it but then the whole development you are starting to trust and believe... gets destroyed by some nonsense about Towers - being dead and imagining your resurrection full of flowers and collywobbles.
a piece (p.124):
"Twelve suns in a circle lined up directly over your head. Summon the Vortex (capital letter) by silently screaming the world "help" at them with focused intensity. This will set the entire circle of suns spinning, creating a gentle tornado-shaped vortex."
There is a constant effort to fuck up everything you have read - the reasoning behind situations taken from their practice (I hope these are true-ish stories) by introducing imaginary Vortexes, Mothers and loving Fathers, Black Suns etc;
I am sure it wasn't written by ghost writer cause they should be taking some serious drugs.
They did it themselves, I presume it is easier to persuade people to come again when you happen to promise a connection to the Life Force (capital letters).
I mean... yes, the examples are rough and clear, they remind me on Peterson (his brilliant lectures) but then they hit with a hammer by sending butterflies your way.
I have given up, somewhere down the road, couldn't finish this brochure.
Deuce reviewed $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi
Review of '$100M Offers' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I liked it a lot actually, didn't expect from a 1$ book
Thanks mate!
I was thinking about launching my course but the packaging and the USP were quite hard on me.
Can't say I know exactly what to do but I am pretty close to it.
Deuce reviewed Tools by Phil Stutz
Review of 'Tools' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
The tools are basically well advertised ways to 'feel the cosmic power'.
I am not even joking, that's what they basically say.
Moreover, one of the authors claims to be atheist who had a difficult time to feel the cosmic love everyone else felt.
That's a fucking mystery to me.
There are 2 advices I found useful, not that those are new or revolutionary in any way - well known things addressed by Aurelius or Seneca, or even Gracian.
You take positive psychology, religion, exotic 'teachings' of the 60s, coaching and voila - find another sucker to fall for it.
I don't know what's worse - Robbins or Stutz. Both sell hope and, thanks to Jonah Hill, the entrapment worked, I actually bought 2 damned 'books' as they call them.
Don't waste your time.
Read Jack London.
Read Emerson.
Read Jung.
Read Peterson for fuck's sake.
Don't play with cosmic …
The tools are basically well advertised ways to 'feel the cosmic power'.
I am not even joking, that's what they basically say.
Moreover, one of the authors claims to be atheist who had a difficult time to feel the cosmic love everyone else felt.
That's a fucking mystery to me.
There are 2 advices I found useful, not that those are new or revolutionary in any way - well known things addressed by Aurelius or Seneca, or even Gracian.
You take positive psychology, religion, exotic 'teachings' of the 60s, coaching and voila - find another sucker to fall for it.
I don't know what's worse - Robbins or Stutz. Both sell hope and, thanks to Jonah Hill, the entrapment worked, I actually bought 2 damned 'books' as they call them.
Don't waste your time.
Read Jack London.
Read Emerson.
Read Jung.
Read Peterson for fuck's sake.
Don't play with cosmic powers XD
What a pile of steaming shit.
Review of 'Flow' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
this book wouldn't lose even a bit of the important if it were half its size;
lots of water, and unusual side notes that don't relate that much to stuff he writes 2-3 pages prior;
I guess the ever-green byproducts of popular science and self-help brochures will never cease to exist.
Too much to earn in the 'feel-good inc' business.
Some ideas are good, but these are much older than all the 'studies' done by the author.
But given the sporadic nature of his writings - it jumps from topic to topic, back and forth, so you never know what the case he made was actually about.
The collection of stories is ok.
The book - not so much.