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Joined 3 years ago

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Dalek's books

Currently Reading

finished reading The Time Machine by H. G. Wells

H. G. Wells: The Time Machine (Paperback, 2010, Gollancz) 4 stars

The Time Traveller, a dreamer obsessed with traveling through time, builds himself a time machine …

Short story. It means quite a bit more if you do some research into some of the historical context. It helped me put into perspective some of the themes. The fact that this is among the first "science fiction" books to touch on these existential themes is interesting.

finished reading The Martian by Andy Weir

Andy Weir: The Martian (Paperback, 2015, Del Rey) 4 stars

I’m stranded on Mars.

I have no way to communicate with Earth.

I’m in a …

I didn't like one part of the book, where the main character made a certain joke. Beyond that, everything about this is phenomenal. I could tell the author of this book is in computer science, given the extra details that he gave along those topics.