Andy Weir: Project Hail Mary (Hardcover, 2021, Ballantine Books) 4 stars

Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission--and if he fails, humanity …

Review of 'Project Hail Mary' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Disappointing after all the hype. Kind of cartoonish, like a prepubescent male space fantasy (very very minor spoilers): “and then this GREAT BIG PROBLEM came from space, and these mysterious Secret World Government people came and kidnapped me to work on it, and I became SUPER IMPORTANT, and I got to go to SPACE to SAVE THE WHOLE WORLD and I'm the ONLY ONE who can do it, and I get to have ADVENTURES and SOLVE PROBLEMS with my knowledge of junior-high physics and then MORE REALLY COOL STUFF, and then uh-oh the whole mission is in DANGER, and did I mention that only I can save the WORLD?” All it’s missing is SPACE LASERS, PEW PEW PEW. There’s even sex, or at least acknowledgment of the existence thereof in a way that seems cringeworthy to anyone over the age of twelve.

The science itself was surprisingly sloppy. I won’t go into details because therein be spoilers, but sheesh. I was expecting much better from the author of [b:The Martian|18007564|The Martian|Andy Weir||21825181]. Each of the many mistakes were elementary, and should have been caught in the earliest drafts.

That said, it was fun in a bubblegum sort of way: thrilling space adventures, and problem-solving, and Valuable Lessons on the Importance of Paying Attention In School Because You Never Know When You Might Have to Save the Planet. Worth reading, but be prepared for some serious suspension of disbelief—no, not the space stuff, I mean the part where all the countries and peoples on Earth unite to fight a grave threat. No deniers, no republicans claiming fake news. That was a little hard to swallow... but damn, what a sweet fantasy.