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Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques by Ashley Peacock
Diagrams communicate relationships more directly and clearly than words ever can. Using only text-based markup, create meaningful and attractive diagrams …
Felipe Martins rated True Life: 3 stars
Felipe Martins rated Living with a Wild God: 3 stars

Living with a Wild God by Barbara Ehrenreich
"In middle age, Ehrenreich came across the journal she had kept during her tumultuous adolescence and set out to reconstruct …
Felipe Martins rated What Is Power?: 4 stars
Felipe Martins rated The Corrosion of Character: 3 stars

The Corrosion of Character by Richard Sennett
In the brave new world of the "flexible" corporation, Richard Sennett observes, workers at all levels are regarded as wholly …
Felipe Martins rated Bartleby, the scrivener: 5 stars

Bartleby, the scrivener by Herman Melville (The art of the novella)
"Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street" is a short story by Herman Melville. The story first appeared, anonymously, …
Felipe Martins rated Software Telemetry: 4 stars
Felipe Martins rated A history of Christianity: 5 stars

A history of Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch
Christianity, one of the world's great religions, has had an incalculable impact on human history. This book, now the most …
Felipe Martins rated Schopenhauer: A Very Short Introduction: 4 stars
Felipe Martins rated This Life: 4 stars
Felipe Martins rated Programming Kubernetes: 3 stars
Felipe Martins rated Chutando a Escada: 5 stars

Chutando a Escada by Ha-Joon Chang
Os países desenvolvidos estão tentando "chutar a escada" pela qual subiram ao topo, ao impedir que os países em desenvolvimento …
Felipe Martins rated Zizek's Politics: 4 stars
Felipe Martins rated Reading financial reports for dummies: 3 stars

Reading financial reports for dummies by Lita Epstein (--For dummies)
The second edition includes over 25 percent new and updated information including: New information on the separate accounting and financial …