Vinciane Despret, Helen Morrison: Living As a Bird (Paperback, 2021, Polity Press) 5 stars

On the contrary in fact, from start to finish, this book [A Thousand Plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari] sets out to make us think. And it was precisely for that reason that I needed to learn how to read it, letting myself be guided not by the words, but by its gestures, its rhythms, its pauses, by its stammering, its spluttering, its emotions. I needed to abandon my customary way of approaching the reading of scientific articles, which consisted in gleaning information, identifying facts and knowledge. I had almost forgotten that the task ~~ of philosophy is not to inform but, instead, to slow down, to slip out of tune, to hesitate.

Living As a Bird by , (Page 91)

After ~~ is p92

Despret here explains very well something how to read dense philosophy like Deleuze and Guattari without being overwhelmed.