Ida Bencke, Jørgen Bruhn: Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices (Paperback, punctum books, Earth, Milky Way) 3 stars

Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices is a speculative endeavor asking how we may represent, relay, …

Anthropomorphic attributions are something we cannot completely avoid when telling this story. In order to empathize with another being, to ask what it wants and why it does something, we can’t help but draw conclusions from ourselves first, before we abstract from our own perspective in the next step. And sometimes it seems necessary to bring a strategic anthropomorphism into play, in order to make things more sharp, indicating that anthropodenial is the problem we need to be more aware of.

Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices by , (Page 50)

This is something I deal with regularly in my work, and feel very strongly about. Very eloquently put. From the chapter by Hörner/Antlfinger titled Tales of a Modern Parrot: Living Entangled Lives in an Interspecies Art Collective, pp49-76