Many of us are now over-nourished and, despite an unprecedented cornucopia of other foodstuffs to choose from, the majority of us opt to indulge in an ever-growing amount of dairy products and meat. This situation of harm is made possible by a deficit of human sympathy for other creatures, which enables us to “overlook the enormity of animal suffering.”5 Addressing the growing human, environmental, and animal injustices of industrialized meat production requires us to shift both our eating habits and our sympathies by rekindling relationships of kinship and care with the animals we are reliant upon.
— Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices by Ida Bencke, Jørgen Bruhn (Page 78)
From the chapter 'The Laudable Cow: Poetics of Human/Cattle Relationships' by Emily McGiffin, pp77-96