
quoted To Our Friends by The Invisible Committee (Semiotext(e) Intervention, #18)

The Invisible Committee: To Our Friends (EBook, 2015, Semiotext(e)) 4 stars

PDF version from The Anarchist Library

A reflection on, and an extension of, the ideas …

On the one hand, the iPhone concentrates all the possible accesses to the world and to others in a single object. It is the lamp and the camera, the mason’s level and the musician’s recording device, the TV and the compass, the tourist guide and the means of communication; on the other, it is the prosthesis that bars any openness to what is there and places me in a regime of constant, convenient semi-presence, retaining a part of my being-there in its grip.

To Our Friends by  (Semiotext(e) Intervention, #18) (Page 15)