Review of 'Vivekananda: His Call to the Nation' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Would've given it a 4.5 out of 5, but still, it's a solid 4.
Although the book is fairly very short, this select compilation of Vivekananda's larger volume of works is perfect enough to get his message across in a very neat way. The book is prefaced by the brief sketch of his life, which was interesting to read. The book actually begins after that and I would describe it as having two parts: One where he talks about faith, strength, power, destiny, education, society & god for man in general. The second part is where he relates it all with the people of his nation. And although I'm not an Indian myself, it wasn't that I couldn't relate. But for me, the first part was absolutely an interesting read. It had so many great quotes that it just made me more gravitate towards those profound words. Honestly, almost every line was like a perfect quote.
A very good book indeed.