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I'm reading about sustainability, archaeology, and programming.

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It Frysk is dea en oare fleurige ferhalen is in samling gedichten en koarte ferhalen. …

Entertaining stories and poetry

5 stars

Most of these stories and poems are slices of life taken a bit over the top, which got some good laughs out of me. I especially enjoyed De Hooliganbus (about a culture clash between a Frisian and loud drunk Dutch people) and It Frysk Is Dea (about the cynical way a Frisian living abroad sees efforts to preserve the Frisian language).

Any fun read in Frisian will help me learn, but in this one I encountered a few words that weren't in my dictionary, possibly because of different spelling.

Yuval Noah Harari: Sapiens (Paperback, 2014, Vintage Books) 4 stars

Copyright (c) Yuval Noah Harari 2011 ISBN 9780099590088 (isbn 978-0-09-959008-8)

Books as gifts become homework

2 stars

Unfortunately I didn't find any new to me insight in this book. Because of the size of the subject matter, it oversimplifies many things - perhaps I can use it to tell me what I need to learn more about because I didn't notice a simplification. It might be a good start for someone else to learn, at best. Furthermore, the author seems to have a bias that Buddhism has the Right Answers, which will never fail to annoy me.

Harry G. Frankfurt: On Bullshit (2005) 4 stars

On Bullshit is a 2005 book (originally a 1986 essay) by American philosopher Harry G. …

A precise introduction to a particular type of imprecision. We need to understand what bullshit is before we can understand why it is used so much. This book is short and amusing. For most short books an electronic copy is fine, but I recommend keeping this one around as a reminder object.

Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge: Amulets and superstitions (1978, Dover Publications) No rating

After reading the preface, I wonder if it will consistently say "Yazîdîs or Devil-worshippers" for the rest of the book too. I know to have low expectations of a book from 1930, but still, it's gross. Describing the Enūma Eliš as the "rebellion" of the "evil" goddess Tiamat is more forgiveable because it's a common Western misunderstanding and I'm not sure how much of the text was available back then.