
A Brief History of Humankind

Paperback, 512 pages

English language

Published July 30, 2014 by Vintage Books.

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4 stars (92 reviews)

Copyright (c) Yuval Noah Harari 2011 ISBN 9780099590088 (isbn 978-0-09-959008-8)

32 editions


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La historia de la humanidad, desde un acercamiento biológico y antropológico. Sostiene un análisis casi neutral y semi lineal. La voz escribe en tercera persona lo que juega un papel interesante en la no identificación de la especie humana, y generar mayor comprensión de nuestra naturaleza.

Coffee shop BS, and I don't mean bookstore

2 stars

There's a bookstore/coffeeshop I used to go to where I once heard another customer expound in an initially impressive and interesting manner that started to sound like BS after a while. I bought this book at that store and had the same experience reading it. Initially, it's informative and entertaining in the style of science books I usually enjoy, but after a while the author just sounded like the coffee shop arguer who loves to hold forth and after a while you can't believe anything he says. After some passages of there-are-some-other-theories-but-I-just-don't-buy-it, and self contractory grand statements like all those authoritarian conquerors really thought they were doing good, and later, all those authoritarian conquerors, they lied, I started wondering if this guy is for real, checked wikipedia and saw despite the celebrity endorsements (thanks, Obama), there are a lot of academic criticisms, and that was enough for me. As with …

La història mundial condensada

4 stars

Bon llibre que fa un repàs, evidentment succint, a la història de la humanitat des de l'inici fins, més o menys, ara, des d'un punt de vista molt crític al capitalisme, al liberalisme i a la forma de gestionar-ho tot que tenim els humans en general. Una molt bona, a estones densa, lectura.

Books as gifts become homework

2 stars

Unfortunately I didn't find any new to me insight in this book. Because of the size of the subject matter, it oversimplifies many things - perhaps I can use it to tell me what I need to learn more about because I didn't notice a simplification. It might be a good start for someone else to learn, at best. Furthermore, the author seems to have a bias that Buddhism has the Right Answers, which will never fail to annoy me.

Review of 'Sapiens' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

I can't really speak to the value of its scholarship, but this book zips along at a wonderful pace. It is extremely readable. That said, it does make a lot of superficial arguments. I wouldn't say that it is particularly deep.

I think this one is good fun for a high school senior thinking about starting a BA in History who wants an overview of potential study areas. The citations at the back of the book might also get them started down more specific paths.

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