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Povestiri despre epidemii și vaccinuri
Vaccinurile sunt prima armă eficace în lupta cu bolile molipsitoare. Paradoxal, au devenit o victimă a propriului succes. Într-o epocă …
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Vaccinurile sunt prima armă eficace în lupta cu bolile molipsitoare. Paradoxal, au devenit o victimă a propriului succes. Într-o epocă …
Here there be dragons...and th denizens of Ankh-Morpork wish one huge firebreather would return from whence it came. Long believed …
For sixty years, Jews have prospered in the Federal District of Sitka, a "temporary" safe haven created in the wake …
From his cardboard box in the Tokyo subway, connected to the Internet, a clairvoyant cyberpunk mobilizes his friends to avert …
This is the way the world ends. Again.
Three terrible things happen in a single day. Essun, a woman living …
When a catastrophic event renders the earth a ticking time bomb, it triggers a feverish race against the inevitable. An …
"In this, his last novel, Saramago daringly reimagines the characters and narratives of the Bible through the story of Cain. …
Winner of the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship, Daniel Quinn's Ishmael is a bestseller and a testament for a burgeoning spiritual movement. …
The first novel of a new space-opera sequence set in an all-new universe by the Hugo Award-winning, New York Times-bestselling …
Ensign Andrew Dahl has just been assigned to the Universal Union Capital Ship Intrepid, flagship of the Universal Union since …
Traducere de Mioara Caragea
Celebra Evanghelie dupa Isus Cristos, cel mai polemic roman al lui Jose Saramago, reconstruieste o viata …