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My mind races with all my longings.
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Florian's books
2025 Reading Goal
11% complete! Florian has read 6 of 52 books.
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Orlando by Virginia Woolf
In her most exuberant, most fanciful novel, Woolf has created a character liberated from the restraints of time and sex. …
Florian finished reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Orlando by Virginia Woolf
In her most exuberant, most fanciful novel, Woolf has created a character liberated from the restraints of time and sex. …
Florian started reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Orlando by Virginia Woolf
In her most exuberant, most fanciful novel, Woolf has created a character liberated from the restraints of time and sex. …
Florian finished reading Brennende Felder by Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker

Brennende Felder by Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker
Hinter der ländlichen Idylle lauert der Abgrund
Spannend und wendungsreich erzählt Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker in »Brennende Felder« von einer Frau, deren …
Florian started reading Brennende Felder by Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker

Brennende Felder by Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker
Hinter der ländlichen Idylle lauert der Abgrund
Spannend und wendungsreich erzählt Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker in »Brennende Felder« von einer Frau, deren …
Florian rated Thinking in systems: 5 stars

Thinking in systems by Donella H. Meadows, Diana Wright
Meadows’ Thinking in Systems, is a concise and crucial book offering insight for problem solving on scales ranging from …
Florian finished reading Thinking in systems by Donella H. Meadows

Thinking in systems by Donella H. Meadows, Diana Wright
Meadows’ Thinking in Systems, is a concise and crucial book offering insight for problem solving on scales ranging from …
Florian rated My Mother Laughs: 5 stars
Florian finished reading My Mother Laughs by Chantal Akerman
Florian started reading Thinking in systems by Donella H. Meadows

Thinking in systems by Donella H. Meadows, Diana Wright
Meadows’ Thinking in Systems, is a concise and crucial book offering insight for problem solving on scales ranging from …

Zitronen by Valerie Fritsch
August Drach wächst in einem Haus am Dorfrand auf, das Hölle und Paradies zugleich ist. Der Vater, von sich und …
Florian finished reading Zitronen by Valerie Fritsch

Zitronen by Valerie Fritsch
August Drach wächst in einem Haus am Dorfrand auf, das Hölle und Paradies zugleich ist. Der Vater, von sich und …