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garmili rated Elminster in Myth Drannor: 3 stars
garmili rated Den allvarsamma Leken: 3 stars
garmili rated Dvori Kaosa: 4 stars
Dvori Kaosa by Roger Zelazny
Book 5 of the Chronicles of Amber. The fate of Oberon, the identity of the traitor-prince, and the plot to …
garmili rated Die Hand Oberons - Roger Zelazny: 3 stars
Die Hand Oberons - Roger Zelazny by Roger Zelazny
Book 4 of the Chronicles of Amber. One of the princes of Amber desires her destruction... and re-creation of his …
garmili rated Sign of the Unicorn (The Chronicles of Amber, #3): 4 stars
garmili rated Roger Zelazny's Amber: 3 stars
garmili rated Nine Princes in Amber: 3 stars
Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny (The Chronicles of Amber, #1)
First in the "Chronicles of Amber" series of fantasy books. The story begins in the hospital when the protagonist wakes …
Nocturnes by Kazuo Ishiguro
One of the most celebrated writers of our time gives us his first cycle of short fiction: five brilliantly etched, …
Sibyllan. by Pär Lagerkvist (Delfinserien ; 464)
Elminster: The Making of a Mage (Forgotten Realms: Elminster) by Ed Greenwood
In ancient days, sorcerers sought to learn the One True Spell that would give them power over all the world …
garmili rated Harry Potter Hardcover Box Set (Books 1-6): 1 star
garmili rated Harry Potter Hardcover Boxed Set (Books 1-4): 1 star
Harry Potter Hardcover Boxed Set (Books 1-4) by J. K. Rowling
Young wizard-in-training Harry Potter has had his hands full during his first four years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and …
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter #5) by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling and …
HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD (PARTS ONE AND TWO) (Chinese Edition) by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany by J. K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany (Huang guan cong shu -- di 4586 zhong)
"十九年過去了, 哈利波特從一個勇敢的男孩蛻變為三個孩子的父親. 即使如此, 他依然深陷於往事的惡夢中, 他夢見父母, 夢見犧牲的夥伴, 思念和歉疚緊緊抓著他不放. 當他的閃電疤痕隱隱作痛, 哈利開始懷疑:「那個人」難道還沒有放過他? 最讓哈利感到憂心的, 是他與小兒子阿不思降至冰點的關係. 如果可以的話, 阿不思真不願意身為哈利波特的兒子, 彷彿必須要成為另一則「傳奇」, 才配得上他的父親. 阿不思的困擾也許只有天蠍能懂, 天蠍有個惡名昭彰的父親--跩哥馬份, 魔法學校甚至流傳著謠言:天蠍是佛地魔之子!於是, 兩個男孩成為無話不談的好友, 他們都無法選擇, …