Robert Chapman: Empire of Normality (Hardcover, 2023, Pluto Press) 5 stars

'Groundbreaking ... [provides] a deep history of the invention of the 'normal' mind as one …

The rise of neuro-Thatcherism, whereby neurodiversity advocacy is turned into a business-oriented programme for unearthing neurodivergent strengths or super powers' and then mining those with these strengths may be useful for those neurodivergent people it helps into jobs. […] neuro-Thatcherism does nothing to fundamentally challenge the deeper structures of society I have identified throughout this book as underpinning neurodivergent oppression. What's more, to the extent that neuro-Thatcherism becomes the dominant neurodiversity discourse, it will drown out the more radical and emancipatory modes developed by grassroots activists.

Empire of Normality by  (Page 141)