Bastian Greshake Tzovaras rated Blood in the Machine: 5 stars
Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant
The true story of what happened the first time machines came for human jobs, when an underground network of 19th …
The true story of what happened the first time machines came for human jobs, when an underground network of 19th …
@gedankenstuecke just this morning I listened to the #TechWontSaveUsPodcast with Brian and thought that this book sounds super interesting. Anything that stood out for you?
@cgruenloh I'd say the main thesis & line of argumentation fits neatly into a 30 min podcast episode and wouldn't really require the ~450 pages of the hardcover.
Having said that, all the historic context is very neatly laid out in the book and packaged into some very appealing story telling I really enjoyed (e.g. having Lord Byron & Mary Shelley as recurring characters of the narrative!) nice! Thanks so much Bastian! Sounds like a book for me