ghostbetweenpages commented on Paradise Lost (Norton Critical Editions) by John Milton
Content warning Mild spoilers for Ch. 3 of Paradise Lost
I'm really curious as to whether Paradise Lost's theology was standard christianity* for its time! Jesus and God-the-Father are presented pretty strongly as two separate beings here, and I don't know how much of this is artistic license vs that's how people actually thought/think of them in practise. I wonder if the Holy Spirit will get a speaking role (or appear at all).
I think it's very funny that Uriel, whomst is meant to be guarding the planet and everything, doesn't recognise Satan. Did Uriel not fight against Satan? Is he faceblind? Did God not give Uriel a briefing on Public Enemy No. 1? Is Satan just really good at disguise? I mean, he probably is.
I still don't really know what's going on. Probably I should look at sparknotes, or something. The words are all very pretty, though, and the Librivox guy has a very nice voice.
* disclaimer: I know christianity has multiple denominations. I don't know which one Milton was.