ghostbetweenpages commented on Paradise Lost (Norton Critical Editions) by John Milton
Content warning Very mild spoilers for Ch. 6 of Paradise Lost
"For this day will pour down, If I conjecture aught, no drizzling show'r But rattling storm of arrows barbed with fire!"
I do like the idea of an angel giving a weather forecast about ARROWS OF FIRE.
"Pursue these sons of darkness, drive them out From all Heav'n's bounds into the utter deep! There let them learn as likes them to despise God and Messiah, his Anointed King."
[The rebel angels], hardened more by what might most reclaim, Grieving to see his glory, at the sight Took envy and aspiring to his heighth Stood re-embattled fierce by force or fraud Weening to prosper and at length prevail Against God and Messiah or to fall In universal ruin last.
Sticking these quotes here because they make me think of the Creature.
Anyway, I think I've reached the point where I should probably be reading the footnotes as I go along, and/or check SparkNotes... Doesn't help that it's been a couple of months since I last read any of this.