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goose's books


Cameron Kunzelman: World Is Born from Zero (2022, de Gruyter GmbH, Walter) 4 stars

synthesizes games studies and science fiction studies

4 stars

the world is born from zero examines the speculative functions of science fiction and the way that games complicate and construct subjectivity to put two models into interplay:

the author uses Quentin Meillasoux to talk about speculation, extrapolation, and materialism, talking about how science fiction stories operate both on the level of extrapolation and speculation, where extrapolation preserves existing material relations and pushes them down the road a bit, and speculation actively rearranges existing material relations. speculation isn't framed as 'good' and extrapolation as 'bad', but instead special interest is paid to the potentially liberatory capacity of speculation.

there's a study of labour, construction of subjects in Va11-halla, where the artist talks about a theory of subjectivity in games and applies it to how Va11-halla teaches people to perform work.

there's a study of anti-blackness in the last of us that relies heavily on cinematic metaphor to apply lenses taken …

David Graeber: Direct Action (2009, AK Press) 5 stars

Direct Action: An Ethnography offers a lengthy, traditional anthropological account of anarchist organizing efforts, with …

"The problem with the clown concept," one [member of the Revolutionary Anarchist Clown Bloc in Philadelphia] later explained at a DAN meeting, "turned out to be that most Americans do not think of clowns as funny. They think of them as scary. On the other hand, most Americans think the idea of someone beating up a clown is very funny."

Direct Action by  (Page 507)

reviewed Direct Action by David Graeber

David Graeber: Direct Action (2009, AK Press) 5 stars

Direct Action: An Ethnography offers a lengthy, traditional anthropological account of anarchist organizing efforts, with …

getting the goods

5 stars

a really interesting book, split into a couple of sections that could probably serve to be their own theses! it's quirky, but is interested in shining a light into the counter-globalization movement of the early oughts, and it comes out with some really interesting insights!

the first half is an account of the planning leading up to 3rd Summit of the Americas protest in Quebec City, and the ethnographic approach makes it a dizzying tour of the nuts and bolts of consensus decision-making, activist problem solving (how do we cross a border without dealing with border security?), and acceptable or interesting tactics. it's about as much of a page-turner as an ethnography can be, and ends with firsthand accounts of the actual protest, which i haven't read much of.

the second half is a little more undirected, kind of interested in answering questions that wouldn't be satisfied by the ethnography. …

David Graeber: Direct Action (2009, AK Press) 5 stars

Direct Action: An Ethnography offers a lengthy, traditional anthropological account of anarchist organizing efforts, with …

a really interesting book, split into a couple of sections that could probably serve to be their own theses! it's quirky, but is interested in shining a light into the counter-globalization movement of the early oughts, and it comes out with some really interesting insights!

the first half is an account of the planning leading up to 3rd Summit of the Americas protest in Quebec City, and the ethnographic approach makes it a dizzying tour of the nuts and bolts of consensus decision-making, activist problem solving (how do we cross a border without dealing with border security?), and acceptable or interesting tactics. it's about as much of a page-turner as an ethnography can be, and ends with firsthand accounts of the actual protest, which i haven't read much of.

the second half is a little more undirected, kind of interested in answering questions that wouldn't be satisfied by the ethnography. …