
reviewed The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy by Robert Arthur (The Three Investigators, Bk. 3)

Robert Arthur: The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy (Paperback, 1998, Random House) 3 stars

Three young detectives undertake a case involving an Egyptian mummy that whispers, but only to …

Review of 'The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Jupe figures it out, but not like he expected. I figured it out from the jump. Jupe - 0, me - 1.

We have a mysterious mummy that whispers, but only at the professor. Suspicious, no? Then crazy Jupiter disguises himself as the professor (what?) and the mummy whispers to him, too. And we have a crazy side plot about a missing cat that, of course, ties right into the story. The boys escape danger several times and if Aunt Matilda knew what they were up to they would never leave the salvage yard again.

You get a happy ending with a few loose ends tied up by Mr. Hitchcock. Classic Three Investigators - 3 stars.