C. J. Box: Out of Range (Joe Pickett Novels) (2006, Berkley) 4 stars

Game Warden Joe Pickett receives some disturbing news: Will Jensen, a fellow Wyoming game warden …

Review of 'Out of Range (Joe Pickett Novels)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'm really torn on what to rate this one. Technically, it's a good story, but I have some issues with the poor decisions everyone seems to be making, Joe included.

Joe is away from home, subbing in Jackson Hole for a colleague who, unfortunately, committed suicide. This causes issues between Joe and Marybeth, who isn't my favorite person anyway, and slipped down about 10 notches in my book. Woman, you are the worst. And Stella. What a horribly drawn character with absolutely no redeeming qualities. Joe bumbles along, nothing gets resolved anywhere, and I'm quickly talking myself into a 2.5 rating, so I'll stop.

CJ Box doesn't seem to understand women. I'm annoyed right now, and this is my least favorite book in the series so far.