User Profile
I like to read, but sometimes, my to-read list looks impossible. Most of my books come from the library & many times, I have multiple books on hold. The problem is when several become available simultaneously — suddenly, I have lots of reading in store.
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Rob’t's books
2025 Reading Goal
33% complete! Rob’t has read 4 of 12 books.
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Rob’t finished reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Drawing on her life as an indigenous scientist, and as a woman, Kimmerer shows how other living beings―asters and goldenrod, …
Rob’t finished reading How to Lie with Maps by Mark Monmonier
Rob’t started reading How to Lie with Maps by Mark Monmonier
Rob’t finished reading The Notebook by Roland Allen

The Notebook by Roland Allen
We see notebooks everywhere we go. But where did this simple invention come from? How did they revolutionise our lives, …
Rob’t started reading The Notebook by Roland Allen

The Notebook by Roland Allen
We see notebooks everywhere we go. But where did this simple invention come from? How did they revolutionise our lives, …
Rob’t stopped reading

Dances with Fire by Kate Humberger
She became a rookie hotshot at the age of eighteen. Fighting raging forest fires in the canyons of California and …
Rob’t wants to read Inner Excellence by Murphy, Jim
Rob’t set a goal to read 12 books in 2025
Rob’t started reading Dances with Fire by Kate Humberger

Dances with Fire by Kate Humberger
She became a rookie hotshot at the age of eighteen. Fighting raging forest fires in the canyons of California and …
Rob’t finished reading On the Plain of Snakes by Paul Theroux

On the Plain of Snakes by Paul Theroux
Legendary travel writer Paul Theroux drives the entire length of the US–Mexico border, then goes deep into the hinterland, on …
Rob’t finished reading Keeping a Nature Journal, 3rd Edition by Clare Walker Leslie

Keeping a Nature Journal, 3rd Edition by Clare Walker Leslie
From the day it was released in 2000, KEEPING A NATURE JOURNAL has struck a profound chord among professional, casual …
Rob’t wants to read Mathematica by David Bessis

Mathematica by David Bessis, Kevin Frey
A fascinating look into how the transformative joys of mathematical experience are available to everyone, not just specialists
Math has …