Rosecrans Baldwin: Everything Now (Paperback, 2022, Picador) 4 stars

did I learn a lesson about the place I live

4 stars

There's two shocking facts about Rosecrans Baldwin that I learned while reading this book

1) the man named Rosecrans Baldwin isn't from LA. I suppose a man named after a couple famous local streets and mountains and neighborhoods has found a way where destiny found him out, and wrote a book about Los Angeles.

2) He's not a 60 something whatever, but a shocking attractive late 30something (jacket photo)

I guess if you've written a literally novel about Paris and move to LA, we're due. He probably should have lived here for a couple more years attempting to write this book ,the structure is incredible but it reads too much like a quote book of all (and I do mean nearly all) the great LA writers. Is ending on a jgold quote a cliche? probably, but I still cried.