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Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

software engineer and table top games enthusiast.


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tony's books

Currently Reading


Rick Rubin: The Creative Act (Hardcover, 2023, Canongate Books) 4 stars

From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of …

We are all creative…

5 stars

The Creative Act is a great book. It offers encouragement to embrace the wonderful creative energy that is innate to all of us. And pursue its calling.

I’ll definitively re-read this book.

commented on The ADHD advantage by Dale Archer

Dale Archer: The ADHD advantage (2015) 3 stars

"Why ADHD could be the key to your success. For decades physicians delivered the diagnosis …

I’m getting close to finishing the first half of the book.

So far the book has helped me see the of the positives of my experience as a person with ADHD.

I’m looking forward to reading the second half.