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ibk's books

Bruce Sterling: Pirate Utopia (2016) 4 stars

Original introduction by Warren Ellis, author of Transmetropolitan and Gun Machine Who are these bold …

A bumpy ride, but interesting. Having recently read Waugh’s “Unconditional Surrender”, the sheer craziness of this part of Europe, and of war, and of imperial/colonial intervention is echoed here. That said, I’d recommend not reading the “cast of characters” until we’ll into the book, as it contains spoilers.

reviewed Expo 58 by Jonathan Coe (Always learning)

Jonathan Coe: Expo 58 (2013) 4 stars

Hoped for a little more

3 stars

There was much promise in this: a slice of life from the past, a slice of life from England, some cold war high jinks. But somehow it failed to deliver on that promise. Easy to read, though. Just probably not one I'd actively recommend to anyone unfamiliar (hence the 3 stars: ok, not great)