A Visit From the Goon Squad


English language

Published April 16, 2011 by Constable & Robinson, imusti.

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4 stars (99 reviews)

Jennifer Egan's spellbinding interlocking narratives circle the lives of Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs. Although Bennie and Sasha never discover each other's pasts, the reader does, in intimate detail, along with the secret lives of a host of other characters whose paths intersect with theirs, over many years, in locales as varied as New York, San Francisco, Naples, and Africa.

We first meet Sasha in her mid-thirties, on her therapist's couch in New York City, confronting her long-standing compulsion to steal. Later, we learn the genesis of her turmoil when we see her as the child of a violent marriage, then as a runaway living in Naples, then as a college student trying to avert the suicidal impulses of her best friend. We plunge into the hidden yearnings and disappointments of her uncle, an art historian …

14 editions


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"A visita cruel do tempo", de Jennifer Egan, não é uma obra exatamente simples. Cada capítulo tem uma estrutura similar a um conto, sendo que cada um deles é encabeçado por um personagem diferente em um diferente ponto da linha temporal da história. O que se dá nesses segmentos determina o que acontecerá aos demais.

O livro não só oscila entre passado e futuro, mas também experimenta mexer com sua própria forma (não de forma aleatória, mas sim intencional). Temos, por exemplo, um capítulo inteiro que nos é contado na forma de apresentação de slides (sim, isso mesmo!) e uma alternância entre primeira, segunda e terceira pessoa.

Lulu, Bennie, Lou, Sasha, Rhea, Dolly, Bosco, Jules, Kitty, Alex, Alice, Mindy, Charlie, Jocelyn, Scotty, Rolph, Dean, Bix, Drew, Rob, Lincoln, Alison... e outros. Todos com seus dramas e conexões.

Na verdade, o mais incrível desse livro é que ele parte de uma …

Review of 'Visit from the Goon Squad' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

A Visit from the Goon Squad (2010) by Jennifer Egan contains thirteen interrelated stories, going back and forth in time between the 1970s and 2010. Each chapter is written from a different perspective, yet all of the characters are somehow connected to music producer Bennie or his kleptomaniac assistant Sasha. Although I sometimes had trouble getting into yet another storyline, I could appreciate most of them. The goon squad in the title refers to time: the strange twists and turns of the lives of Egan’s characters are a central theme. The chapters about the music industry reminded me of [b:Vernon Subutex 1|43565353|Vernon Subutex 1 (Vernon Subutex, #1)|Virginie Despentes|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1565701891l/43565353.SX50.jpg|43901932] by Virginie Despentes, but I preferred Egan’s style.

Next on my list is Egan’s 2022 follow-up, [b:The Candy House|58472053|The Candy House|Jennifer Egan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1634728293l/58472053.SY75.jpg|86707532].


3 stars

Not completely sure how I feel about this novel. I only finished it today so perhaps a few days thinking it over will help cement my opinion. The novel is told from several standpoints, each character interacting with some of the others at a point in their lives, some more fleetingly than others. Progressing through the novel, we jump forwards and backwards in time, understanding how future events were the result of earlier ones and how the characters' relationships develop or are lost. Unfortunately, although I was impressed by individual chapters, I didn't particularly like or identify with any of the characters who, I felt, came across as shallow people.

Review of 'A Visit from the Goon Squad' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The most modern book I've ever read, even newer fiction feels old compared to this.

Jennifer Egan really nailed the thoughts and motivations of her characters well. I could identify with every character, male and female alike, young and old, as though I had already been involved in similar conversations and situations and would have come up with the same outcomes. This felt comfortable and yet the stories were imaginatively fresh.

The multiple characters and perspectives did manage to relate loosely to one another in a way that felt natural and real, not forced or classic like a band of adventurers on a quest to destroy a ring or a group stuck together on one side against a group on the other side who are led by the smiling man. The good versus evil or black and whiteness or us and them is not present in the story as there …

Review of 'A visit from the Goon Squad' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


Midway through the book, I've realized what the seemingly esoteric title was for. "Time is a goon" said the fat, obsolete rocker. His misery is not only his. It is shared by a multitude of characters who are all victims of time, and what's equally marvelous is the fact that they share in an industry where time is, indeed, the most cruel goon of all. Music.

Keeping with Jennifer Egan's writing is not as difficult as I anticipated. The story was easy to follow. The structure, however, is a complete gem. Her creative shifts of POV in between chapters, and the within the chapters themselves create an atmosphere of modernity. It kept me in dumbfounded attention to both her style and story.

Goon Squad is a story told in impeccable style that doesn't forego understanding. For me who usually associates with the classics of literature by virtue of both …

Review of 'A Visit from the Goon Squad' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If you've been paying attention to American literature during the past decade or so, you will know the score of this novel. If that makes you want to skip it, you're making a huge mistake. Egan takes change, growing up, constrained freedom and all those other topics that US novelists love, but deals with them in a clever form that adds another layer of meaning. More detailed reviews can be found elsewhere, let me just say that I am happy to close off my 2013 readings with something as superb as this novel.

Review of 'A visit from the Goon Squad' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The characters were interesting and likeable, I loved the way their stories were told, and the nonlinear style made it all fascinating. The way people's lives came together at certain points reminded me a little of a Quentin Tarantino movie, and there were also times when the writing put me in mind of David Foster Wallace.

Good read!

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