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I read only nonfiction for years. Now, I'm getting back into fiction. (he/him)

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reviewed Stories of the Raksura : Volume Two by Martha Wells (The Books of the Raksura)

Martha Wells: Stories of the Raksura : Volume Two (2015, Night Shade, Night Shade Books) 4 stars

“The Dead City” is a tale of Moon before he came to the Indigo Court. …

Fun stories that fill in the gaps

4 stars

Reading order advice: Read this after you read The Siren Depths. Three of the stories explicitly say they happen after that book.

I think the stories were written at that time, but this collection was published last. I wouldn't recommend reading it last (like I did). The novella really sets you up for the final two books.

I'd also recommend you read this one first after Siren, then the other short story book after it. They both should be read before you read the last two Raksura books.

Worth the read though.

reviewed The Harbors of the Sun by Martha Wells (The Books of the Raksura, #5)

Martha Wells: The Harbors of the Sun (EBook, 2017, Night Shade Books) 5 stars

A former friend has betrayed the Raksura and their groundling companions, and now the survivors …

Excellent end to the series

5 stars

This book is pretty much a continuation of the last book and it's much longer than all the previous. Which was fine with me. I didn't need it to end. I did have to slow down reading several times as I was anxious to find out what happens.

The relationships are what makes this series. You get to know the characters and watch them grow. But luckily they don't grow too much.

(I'll continue to read the last-published short stories, but this was a nice conclusion.)

reviewed The Edge of Worlds by Martha Wells (The Books of the Raksura, #4)

Martha Wells: The Edge of Worlds (EBook, 2016, Night Shade Books) 4 stars

An expedition of groundlings from the Empire of Kish have traveled through the Three Worlds …

A little gentler than the others

4 stars

This book was a little like her later Murderbot books, slow and character building sequences interspersed with blood-pumping action.

And this book ends in a cliffhanger! It's late tonight, but I have to continue with the last book....

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Martha Wells: Stories of the Raksura: Volume 1: The Falling World & The Tale of Indigo and Cloud (2014, Night Shade Books) 4 stars

In "The Falling World," Jade, sister queen of the Indigo Cloud Court, has traveled with …

Two good novellas

4 stars

Edit: I'd recommend reading this book after The Siren Depths but before the last two novels in the series. Actually, I'd also recommend reading after Siren and after the second story collection book. It emotionally sets up the last two novels, which are really two parts of one last book.

I liked the two longer pieces. They add flavor to the series. One was like a side story but showed how their bonding increased between the books. The second filled out some important history.

There were also a couple short stories that were like decoration.

reviewed The Siren Depths by Martha Wells (The Books of the Raksura, #3)

Martha Wells: The Siren Depths (EBook, 2012, Night Shade Books) 4 stars

All his life, Moon roamed the Three Worlds, a solitary wanderer forced to hide his …

Gripping and anxious installment

4 stars

Geez, the emotions in this one were tough. Anger, frustration, anxiety. Of course they all come from my caring for the protagonist, Moon. I just want him to be able to relax for a turn. I don't think it'll happen...

I'll definitely finish up this series.