
"In this madcap journey, a bestselling journalist investigates psychopaths and the industry of doctors, scientists, …

Review of 'The psychopath test' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

An interesting book. Less funny than some of his books beforehand, but an interesting look at an industry that, frankly, doesn't appear to have every many good sides.

I found the book a little meandering, and wondered how it was put together. It seems that some of it is from a Radio 4 programme; another bit is from a newspaper article as far as I could make out, and I suspect this is why some portions are very high on detail while others are odd, snatched conversations.

Parts are fascinating, however: and explain a lot about the industry he finds himself in. Some parts are rather Goldacreish, too, in their medical discussion (and Goldacre himself did read the book and give - it seems - rather savage criticism).

(The Kindle version has quite a few irritating proof-reading errors)