Brandon Sanderson: The Alloy of Law (Hardcover, 2011) 4 stars

"Three hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Scadrial is on the verge …

Review of 'The Alloy of Law' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Much like the original Mistborn trilogy, this book was hard to put down. Though set several hundred years after the end of the original Mistborn trilogy, it still had all the appeal. The two main characters, Wax and his partner/deputy Wayne, were great: well-written and quirky, especially Wayne. The dialog between the two was perfect. The pacing of the story was well done, making it hard to find a good place to stop for silly things like sleep. :) The only thing that made me sad a bit was the introduction of technology: they've discovered electricity and locomotion, for example (were trains in the original series?). It didn't factor in TOO heavily (trains did, I guess, but none of the rest), so it's not a big deal. There's just a small part of me that hates seeing these magical worlds rendered so dull and realistic by the introduction of light bulbs and telephones. :)

That very minor nit aside, this was a great book. I look forward to the sequels that almost certainly to follow.