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Michel Faber, David Mitchell: Under the Skin (2017, Canongate Books) 4 stars

Short-listed for the Whitbread Award, this remarkable book defies categorisation. Under the Skin introduces Isserley, …

Even if she could bring herself to start a conversation, the thought of how much work it would be to keep it going made her heart sink. He was obviously a typical male of the species; stupid, uncommunicative, yet with a rodent cunning for evasion. She would talk to him, and in return he would grunt, surrender one-word answers to her cleverest questions, lapse into silence at every opportunity. She would play her game, he would play his, on and on, perhaps for hours. Isserley realized, suddenly, that she just didn't have the energy to play anymore.

Under the Skin by , (Page 208)

Tell me this isn't about dating apps.