Ministry for the Future

576 pages

English language

Published Dec. 13, 2020 by Orbit.

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4 stars (161 reviews)

Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the world's future generations and to protect all living creatures, present and future. It soon became known as the Ministry for the Future, and this is its story.

From legendary science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson comes a vision of climate change unlike any ever imagined.

Told entirely through fictional eye-witness accounts, The Ministry For The Future is a masterpiece of the imagination, the story of how climate change will affect us all over the decades to come. Its setting is not a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, but a future that is almost upon us - and in which we might just overcome the extraordinary challenges we face.

It is a novel both immediate and impactful, desperate and hopeful in equal measure, and it is one of the most powerful and original books on climate change ever …

9 editions

It's a Kim Stanley Robinson novel 🙄

3 stars

By which I mean it's long and has an interesting idea for a plot, but is written in a way that isn't always interesting.

There's something didactic about KSR's novels. He does a lot of telling rather than showing. There are pages and pages of this. Some of it was so tedious that in the last 20% of the book I skipped over parts. I longed for it all to be over so that I could move on to something more interesting and better written.

There are chapters narrated from the point of view of unidentified people who are scientists, refugees, etc. A lot of these all sound like the same rather breathless, over-excited person.

Because of these faults I wouldn't particularly recommend this book.

Une anticipation inégale comme bonne introduction

3 stars

J'ai lu la version originale en anglais.

Je suis partagé sur le livre :

la mise en scène initiale bouscule et fait réfléchir, l'anticipation s'avère clairvoyante. le livre est bien documenté à de très nombreux titres, malheureusement il y a tellement de sujet à traiter que certains développements (technologiques) s'avèrent inexactes ou au mieux de la fantaisies l'auteur bascule entre description voire essai (documentée) et perspective de personnage. Sur la deuxieme partie ce style s'alourdit et rend la lecture difficile. la discussion des perspectives morales au travers des personnages s'avèrent être la partie la plus intéressante, selon moi. j'ai trouvé le développement heureux final déconnecté avec les travaux récents du GIEC, en particulier la perspective de sobriété n'est pas assez développée j'ai également trouvé certaines résolutions trop candides, j'avoue rester fort cynique quand à l'altruisme des puissants. Cela étant, je trouve cette fiction une bonne introduction au sujet avec des …

Hieno visio siitä, miten ihmiskunta selätti ilmastonmuutoksen

4 stars

Todella monen asian pitää muuttua, jos aiomme elää tällä planeetalla vielä tulevinakin vuosisatoina. Valtaosa kirjojen ja elokuvien tulevaisuusvisioista tuntuu kuitenkin olevan dystopioita, kuvauksia siitä millaista helvettiä elämä Maa-planeetalla on, kun kaikki on mennyt pieleen. Muutamalla seuraaville vuosikymmenille lähitulevaisuuteen sijoittuva Kim Stanley Robinsonin The Ministry for the Future kuitenkin esittää uskottavan, vaikkakin monelta osin silmiinpistävän optimistisen vision siitä, miten kaikenkattava ekokriisi on saatu Maa-planeetalla kuitenkin jonkinlaiseen hallintaan. Robinsonin visiosta kiinnostavan tekee se, että se ei ole vain kaunokirjallista kuvitelmaa, vaan perustuu ihan todellisiin haasteisiin ja ratkaisuihin, ja monet kirjan luvuista ovatkin luonteeltaan pikemminkin tieteellisiä esseitä kuin varsinaista kertomakirjallisuutta.

Kirjan tulevaisuuskuva ei kuitenkaan ole paratiisimainen utopia. Maa siinä vaiheessa, kun ilmakehän hiilidioksidimäärä on saatu laskuun, ei ole enää aivan sama planeetta kuin se oli vielä ennen ilmastokriisiä, ja työn planeetan hengissäpitämiseksi kuvataan jatkuvan vielä tulevillekin vuosisadoille vaikka hiilidioksidiongelma kirjassa on saatukin pois päällimmäisistä huolenaiheista.

Robinson ei pyri hahmottelemaan paluuta meneen ajan tasapainoon, …

Review of 'Ministry for the future' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I'm going to start with saying I've enjoyed the Mars Trilogy greatly. I've re-read it recently - it does show it age a bit, both by the underlying world moving on and by the narrative structure of a grand epic that feels a bit quaint in 2024.

The Ministry for the Future, though... it's not a book? I mean it's one in the physical sense, but it's not a proper novel. It's a bunch of happy magical thinking stories where everything works out. There's a lot of unconnected snapshot viewpoints, and then Central Banks deploy bitcoin and AI and everything is redeemed, and Russian aircraft carriers save the Antarctic. That's a rather disappointing investor spiel, not a proper sci-fi novel.

I should have known better, seeing as it carries "favourite book of Obama" on the cover. I'm struggling to believe he's read it, as near the middle it calls out …

Review of 'Ministry for the Future' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

The blurb said "a rousing vision of how we might unite to overcome the greatest challenge of our time" but I just found it depressing. It is set so close in the future that the climate disasters described will be reality pretty soon. I didn't find the way humanity pulls together very convincing or believable.
Also I'm not sure who the intended audience is - if you're not interested in climate change, there's a lot of dry facts interspersed between a bit of human interest, so not really a gripping read. And if you are interested, like I said it's just depressing: (

Lots of interesting ideas, but a slog to get through.

4 stars

I struggled picking a rating for this book. It's one of those books I'm happy to have read, but while reading it some sections were slow and hard to get through.

The book paints a vivid picture of what's already happening with climate change, and how it could get a lot worse. The reactions of different groups of people are interesting, and gave me things to think about.

Honest review

4 stars

The book occupies a peculiar spot between fiction and non-fiction. The book features individuals, it even drives home a powerful point about individual engagement but it is not focused on personal stories. This book aims to be a draw-you-in page turner built on a foundation of current events and present-day science, extrapolated into a claustrophobic tale of human survival in a hostile environment and it does succeed in this. I enjoyed it quite a lot and do sincerely believe that it should be available on more platforms like so that others can read it too.


2 stars

I wanted to like this, but the prose was often awkward, the dialogue unimaginative, and the exposition was too blatant. Grand events are glossed over in single sentences, then nothing happens for whole chapters. Rather than weaving a thrilling narrative of a possible near future, this is really a repetitive and surprisingly dull series of essays that make up an over-optimistic manifesto for solving climate change.

Gets a lot right, but with some painful blind spots

3 stars

Content warning Spoilers for the whole book; references to disturbing content

Honestly, I think everyone should read this

5 stars

I have never been the biggest Kim Stanley Robinson fan, because my personal taste tends toward strongly character-driven stories. I've seen people say that, in KSR's stories, the setting is one of the characters. OK, fair enough ... but not exactly what I'm usually looking for.

But this book is gripping even for someone like me, and I think only Robinson could've written it. In some ways, it's more of his hard/near sf, and the setting (and what happens to it) is, indeed, the main focus. The character-driven stories are good, but alone wouldn't do it for me.

But it's also timely, relevant for all human beings. And it's both starkly terrifying and one of the most genuinely hopeful takes on our current situation that I've ever seen. It doesn't deny anything ... and yet it offers a clear case for hope.

Read it.

Super uneven, too optimistic

2 stars

Content warning Mild TMFTF spoilers

Optimistic despite all evidence against

4 stars

Ministry for the Future was a Good book. It’s unfortunate that KSR got bogged down in crypto as anything approaching a potential solution to a climate-induced economic collapse. And I found it especially hard to believe that world governments would ever agree to issue global citizenship to refugees.

Still, I found the accounts of various near-future climate disasters—and the peoples’ responses to them—to be very realistic and compelling.

KSR is clearly an optimist while I’m for sure a doomer. I Want To Believe but MftF didn’t win me over. Where’s the fascism? It’s the elephant in the room.

More than anything, the book got me thinking a lot, and presented a perspective I haven’t really seen before, which is rooted in a deep understanding of the problems and their severity, but still retains a sense of optimism that I largely don’t share. It felt good to see the world adapt …

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