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johanna's books
2025 Reading Goal
johanna has read 0 of 12 books.
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johanna wants to read Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant
Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant
The true story of what happened the first time machines came for human jobs, when an underground network of 19th …
johanna commented on Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna commented on Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna commented on Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna commented on Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna Setze das Ziel, 2025 12 Bücher zu lesen
johanna commented on Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna commented on Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna commented on Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna started reading Krieg und Frieden by Leo Tolstoy
johanna finished reading Stone and Anvil by Peter David (Star trek, new frontier)
johanna started reading Stone and Anvil by Peter David (Star trek, new frontier)
Stone and Anvil by Peter David (Star trek, new frontier)
A crewman has been murdered aboard the USS Trident, and all evidence points to Ensign Janos of the USS Excalibur-A. …