Een wankelmoedig boek. Soms authentiek boos, melancholisch — maar helaas ook bij vlagen gekunsteld en gratuïet.
Reviews and Comments
J$ aka “Yo Ass”. Post-neoluddite. 🏓, 📖, 🎶, ⊫¬∀∃, ؎, 🐈, and 💓 while it lasts. Once upon a midnight dreary, it tolls for thee.
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js reviewed Fort Europa by Tom Lanoye
js rated A book of English poetry: 5 stars
js rated Foundation and Empire: 4 stars
Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov (Foundation, #2)
Led by its founding father, the great psychohistorian Hari Seldon, and taking advantage of its superior science and technology, the …
js rated Foundation: 3 stars
Foundation by Isaac Asimov (Foundation, #1)
One of the great masterworks of science fiction, the Foundation novels of Isaac Asimov are unsurpassed for their unique blend …
Review of 'Wind/Pinball: Hear the Wind Sing and Pinball, 1973 (Two Novels) (Vintage International)' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Not one, but two novels dating back to Murakami’s first writing days. Both experimental, tentative. To me, one of these experiments a glorious succes, the other an equally glorious failure.
Why so glorious? Well, this is where we see a new voice finding itself, struggling to break out, and succeeding.
js reviewed Eddie Muller's Noir Bar by Eddie Muller
js reviewed Nader tot u by Gerard Kornelis van het Reve
Banksy by Will Ellsworth-Jones
For someone who shuns the limelight so completely that he conceals his name, never shows his face and gives interviews …
js reviewed Victory City by Salman Rushdie
js rated Het moois dat we delen: 4 stars
js reviewed The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
Review of 'The Man in the High Castle' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
In awe. Strange to stumble upon this masterpiece so late in life.
While I ponder and probably after a reread, there may be more to say. For now: helluva read.
js reviewed Fates Worse than Death by Kurt Vonnegut (Spokesman pamphlet -- no. 80)
Review of 'Fates Worse than Death' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
This is no book. It’s a booklet. No, a pamphlet.
And it’s brilliant, invigorating, and a cry to the heart and brain such as Vonnegut is wont to. But I crave for more.
js reviewed Het lied van ooievaar en dromedaris
Review of 'Het lied van ooievaar en dromedaris' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Tien spiegels en één zwanezang; in de laatste vond ik de spiegel niet, trof er een aparte novelle in.
Evenwel een dijk van een boek.