User Profile

J. Trent Adams

Joined 2 years, 4 months ago

I'm a cybersecurity specialist, consulting producer, & general space geek.

For my day job, I read books that cover online identity, security, & privacy. Having earned my degree in astronomy, I enjoy reading about the latest research into physics and cosmology. I'm also a history buff, and frequently dive into complicated geopolitical events and biographies. On the fiction side, I dig mystery, hard sci-fi, and psychological thrillers. Rounding things out... I love me a good graphic novel!


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J. Trent Adams's books

To Read

Scott J. Shapiro: Fancy Bear Goes Phishing (Hardcover, 2023, Farrar, Straus & Giroux) 4 stars

Fancy Bear Goes Phishing is an entertaining account of the philosophy and technology of hacking—and …

Faulty Description of Technology Leads to Mistaken Conclusions

2 stars

When going into "Fancy Bear Goes Phishing" by Scott Shapiro, I was interested in his unique take on "hacking." I was hoping to learn something from his perspective as a law & philosophy professor at Yale. Unfortunately, he stumbles when trying to make his points leading me to disregard many of his conclusions.

I was fine with his glossing over the more technical details... as a professional in cybersecurity (creator of a handful of Internet security technologies), I can't get hung up when a writer for popular audiences skips the complicated bits... but what bugged me was when he got technical details flatly wrong. These lead to mistaken conclusions in his reasoning about the behavior and psychology related to various attacks he discussed.

In the end, I'd suggest skipping this book. Experts will likely be annoyed with the mistakes, while non-experts might come away with an inaccurate understanding about how …