Julian rated Debt: The First 5,000 Years: 5 stars

Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber
The author shows that before there was money, there was debt. For 5,000 years humans have lived in societies divided …
I read a lot. Highlights of favorite books: In Search of Lost Time, Moby Dick, Arabian Nights, Bodard's Obsidian & Blood series, Garfinkle's All Of An Instant, most of Philip K. Dick's ouevre.
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The author shows that before there was money, there was debt. For 5,000 years humans have lived in societies divided …
Overview: It's America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. The few Jews who still survive hide under assumed names. …
Ubik, escrito en 1966 y publicado en 1969, es una de las obras maestras de Philip K. Dick. Ubik se …
Winner of the Herralde Prize and the Rómulo Gallegos Prize. Natasha Wimmer’s translation of The Savage Detectives was chosen as …
I've never read a book that more convincingly took a dreamlike premise and made it work so powerfully. If there was a book which encapsulated the experience of being in a nightmare you can't wake up from, this would be it. Very, very good.
I love this book; this and Ubik are my favorite PKD books, and I'm nearly a completist.
Dick takes an idea which is becoming commonplace - multiple universes - but pioneers it and give it his own unique spin. Essentially, the people in the book are living a post WWII tragedy, where the bad guys won - and to them, our universe is the good one, they'd much rather be in. From this premise PKD weaves in multiple characters and storylines from when he was essentially at the top of his game. Excellent book.