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kaleon666's books

Currently Reading

2024 Reading Goal

10% complete! kaleon666 has read 5 of 50 books.

reviewed The forgetting moon by Brian Lee Durfee (The five warrior angels -- book 1)

Brian Lee Durfee: The forgetting moon (2016) 3 stars

In the last unconquered kingdom of Gul Kana, where the eldest son of the fallen …


1 star

I hate to hate on a book too much, because I understand how hard it is to finish one and get it published...but this book was one of the only books I have ever stopped reading once I got past the 50% mark (this one I stopped less than 100 pages from the end because my faith that it would get better just never happened the next books are even longer than this one).

The characters were mid-level unlikeable across the board; not a single female character was believable at all (I'm not even saying it failed the B test, it did, but mainly the female characters feel like they were written by a 15 year old boy who has never spent time with a girl).

The plot was all over the place; with people who are supposed to be the best warrior in blah and blah getting their butts …